ApJ 773, 144; … The parent star is 42 light-years from the Sun, in the constellation Ophiuchus where its sector name comes from. 42 light years away from Earth there is the planet GJ 1214 b orbiting a red dwarf. It is probably at least three billion years old and a member of the old disk. 2 Millionen km). It is located at a distance of approximately 47 light years from Earth. It is a super-Earth because it is larger than Earth but has a mass and radius significantly less than those of the ice giants in the Solar System. For that reason, scientists have nicknamed the planet "the waterworld". Gliese 1214 b (thường được rút ngắn thành GJ 1214 b aka Ocean Planet) là một ngoại hành tinh quay quanh ngôi sao Gliese 1214, và được phát hiện vào tháng 12 năm 2009. [1] Foi descoberto por David Charbonneau, et.al. As of 2017, GJ 1214 b is the most likely known candidate for being an ocean planet. & JIANG-HUI J. Scientists say Gliese 1214 b is likely water-rich. The planet orbits a small red dwarf star which has only 16% the mass of our own sun. Gliese 1214 b (often shortened to GJ 1214 b) is an exoplanet that orbits the star Gliese 1214, and was discovered in December 2009.Its parent star is 48 light-years from the Sun, in the constellation Ophiuchus.As of 2017, GJ 1214 b is the most likely known candidate for being an ocean planet. The discovery of a menagerie of exoplanets sized greater than Earth and smaller than Neptune has changed thinking about planets and solar systems. Gliese 1214 Facts. GJ 1214 B, also known as Gliese 1214 B, is an exoplanet that orbits the star GJ 1214. Notes AAS, 4, 231 paper Diverse outcomes of planet formation and composition around low-mass stars and brown dwarfs November 9, 2015 / Marc Kaufman / 0 Comments. Like other ocean planets, it has a surface that is extremely sensitive to the touch of anything, especially asteroids, which means it hates them. GJ 1214 b juga dikenal sebagai Gliese 1214 b adalah bumi super luar surya yang mengorbit bintang GJ 1214.Planet ini ditemukan pada bulan November tahun 2009 dan berjarak sekitar 40 tahun cahaya dari Bumi.GJ 1214 b terletak di rasi bintang Ophiuchus dan merupakan planet luar surya kedua yang memiliki massa dan jari-jari lebih kecil daripada raksasa gas di Tata Surya. In December 2010, a study was published showing the spectrum to be largely featureless over the wavelength range of 750–1000 nm. This list shows all planetary and stellar components in the system. It is the home planet of the Bloboits. › Larger image GJ1214b, shown in this artist's view, is a super-Earth orbiting a red dwarf star 40 light-years from Earth. Media in category "GJ 1214 b" The following 18 files are in this category, out of 18 total. Although Gliese … Artist’s impression of GJ 1214 b in transit.tif 3,445 × 2,584; 15 MB The planet was discovered in December 2009. GJ 1214b (også kaldet Gliese 1214 b) er en exoplanet, der kredser om stjernen Gliese 1214, der befinder sig 42 lysår fra vort solsystem i stjernebilledet Ophiuchus.Opdagelsen af exoplaneten blev offentliggjort i tidsskriftet Nature den 16. december 2009.. GJ 1214b består hovedsaligt af vand. Featuring a fresh blend of lotus flower, bergamot and lemon leaf, this hand-poured candle in a ceramic cup delivers . [3] Although GJ 1214 has a low to moderate level of magnetic activity, it does undergo flares and is a source of X-ray emission with a base luminosity of 7.4×1025 erg s−1. Mediterranee: Bergamot, Bulgaria Rose ,Iris Or It is also the first super-Earth around which an atmosphere has been found. 6:00. It gives a quick overview of the hierarchical architecture. However, the world is inferior to earth gravity due to its low density. Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have discovered a new class of alien planets, so-called steamy waterworlds. Astronomers have claimed the existence of a new class of planet: a "water-world" with a thick, steamy atmosphere. The description is based on the spectral class. The mass of the planet can be inferred from sensitive observations of the parent star's radial velocity, measured through small shifts in stellar spectral lines due to the Doppler effect. On Earth, the scale height is about 6 miles (10 kilometers), while on Gliese 1214 b it is three times deeper, according to Narita. Gliese 1214 b is an exoplanet that orbits the red dwarf star Gliese 1214. [7] It is possible to propose structures by assuming different compositions, guided by scenarios for the formation and evolution of the planet. Because of the estimated old age of the planetary system and the calculated hydrodynamic escape rate of 9×105 kg s−1, scientists conclude that there has been a significant atmospheric loss during the lifetime of the planet and any current atmosphere cannot be primordial. Its parent star is 42 light-years from the Sun, in the constellation Ophiuchus. For starters, Gliese 1214 b orbits its star once every 38 hours, making it 70 times closer than Earth is to the Sun. For [8] It also shows a 1% intrinsic variability in the near-infrared probably caused by stellar spots. Gliese 1214 b. Cosmic Speculation's Aureole diffuser . [7] If it is a waterworld, it could possibly be thought of as a bigger and hotter version of Jupiter's Galilean moon Europa. Rundt om planeten ligger en 200 km tyk og meget tæt atmosfære, der mest består af brint og helium. The inner boundary of Gliese 1214’s habitable zone is 0.05 Au’s from the star and its outer boundary is 0.08 AU’s from the star. Gliese 1214 b is an exoplanet that orbits the star Gliese 1214, was discovered in December 2009. [12] Its luminosity is only 0.33% that of the Sun. Gliese 1214 is not part of the constellation outline but is within the borders of the constellation. On the weight of Gliese, 1214 b is 6.55 times the Earth's, and 2.5 times more in diameter. An Upper Limit on the Extended Helium Atmosphere of GJ 1214 b 2020 PETIT dit de la ROCHE D., van den ANCKER M. & MILES-PAEZ P. Res. Nó nằm ở khoảng cách khoảng 47 năm ánh sáng từ Trái đất . GJ 1214b, also known as Gliese 1214b and within 42 light years from Earth and was discovered in November 2009. While Gliese 1214 b is six times as large as earth, it is less than three times in width to be as big as a planet in between the size of Earth and Neptune. Scientists say Gliese 1214 b is likely water-rich. The star is about one-fifth the radius of the Sun with a surface temperature estimated to be 3000 K (2730 °C; 4940 °F). Gliese 1214 (GJ 1214) on 40 valovuoden päässä sijaitseva punainen kääpiötähti, jolla on eksoplaneetta GJ 1214 b.Planeetta kuuluu massaltaan supermaiden … On the weight of Gliese, 1214 b is 6.55 times the Earth's, and 2.5 times more in diameter. Astronomy Science ~ GJ 1214 b is a Super-Earth planet orbiting GJ 1214. The temperature of the stellar corona is estimated to be about 3.5×106 K.[10], In mid-December 2009, a team of Harvard-Smithsonian astronomers announced the discovery of a companion extrasolar planet, Gliese 1214 b, potentially composed largely of water and having the mass and diameter of a super-Earth. NASA -- larger image GJ 1214 is a dim red dwarf star, like Gliese 623 A (M2.5V) and B (M5.8Ve) at lower right. [14], Media related to GJ 1214 b at Wikimedia Commons, Coordinates: 17h 15m 18.94s, +4° 57′ 49.7″, "Open Exoplanet Catalogue – Gliese 1214 b", "Mass–radius relationships for solid exoplanets", "10 Real Planets That Are Stranger Than Science Fiction", "Release 13-383 – NASA's Hubble Sees Cloudy Super-Worlds With Chance for More Clouds", "Astronomers Find Super-Earth Using Amateur, Off-the-Shelf Technology", Astronomers Find World with Thick, Inhospitable Atmosphere and an Icy Heart. [Source] Gliese 1214 b (Often shortened to GJ 1214 b) was an planet that orbits the star Gliese 1214, Astrographical Physical Societal Affiliation CIS arxiv. However, the world is inferior to earth gravity due to its low density. The indicator of gravity reaches 0.91 g, which resembles the situation on Venus. On Super-Earths, Sub-Neptunes and Some Lessons They Teach. Gliese 1214 b (often shortened to GJ 1214 b) is an exoplanet that orbits the star Gliese 1214, and was discovered in December 2009. Its equilibrium temperature is believed to be in the range of 393–555 K (120–282 °C; 248–539 °F), depending on how much of the star's radiation is reflected into space. is perfect for sampling scents in the car. Tidal evolution of exo-planetary systems: WASP-50, GJ 1214 and CoRoT-7 2012 DONG Y. Gliese 1214 b (ou GJ 1214 b) est une planète extrasolaire (exoplanète) de type super-Terre, en orbite autour de l'étoile Gliese 1214 avec un demi-grand axe de 6 millions de km, dans la constellation zodiacale de l'Ophiuchus, dont la découverte par transit grâce au projet MEarth a été annoncée le 16 décembre 2009. Part 1 of 2. Seine Masse entspricht knapp 7 Erdmassen, sein Radius wir… Gliese 1214 is mostly made out of 200 degree boiling water. And here are some interesting facts about the planet GJ 1214 b 1. Gliese 1214 b, também conhecido como GJ 1214 b, é um planeta extrasolar que orbita a estrela Gliese 1214, a uma distância de 13 parsecs ou aproximadamente 40 anos-luz da Terra, na constelação Ophiuchus.Esta superterra tem 6 vezes a massa da Terra e 2,6 vezes o seu raio. ApJ 773, 144; … An update on the atmosphere of super-Earth GJ1214b, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gliese_1214_b&oldid=994903108, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 December 2020, at 03:50. 1. New observations from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope show that it is a waterworld enshrouded by a thick, steamy atmosphere. Artist’s impression of GJ 1214 b in transit.tif 3,445 × 2,584; 15 MB Its parent star is 48 light-years from the Sun, in the constellation Ophiuchus. Multi-color Transit Photometry of GJ 1214b through BJHK s Bands and a Long-term Monitoring of the Stellar Variability of GJ 1214. A nearby alien planet six times the size of the Earth which is covered with a water-rich atmosphere that includes a strange "plasma form" of water. It’s a super-Earth, intermediate in size between Earth and Neptune. Its parent star is 48 light-years from the Sun, in the constellation Ophiuchus. Gliese 1214 Facts. Its parent star is 48 light-years from the Sun, in the constellation Ophiuchus; as of 2017, GJ 1214 b is the most known candidate for being an ocean planet. Der Abstand zu seinem Zentralstern beträgt etwa 0,014 AE (ca. Gliese 1214 is a dim M4.5[4] red dwarf in the constellation Ophiuchus with an apparent magnitude of 14.7. Tag: Gliese 1214b. By comparing the observed spectrum before and during transits, the spectrum of the planetary atmosphere can be inferred. 2012 BENNEKE B. Planet je dosada najbolji kandidat za oceanski planet, tj. Based on the spectral type (M4.5) of the star, the star's colour is red . Top 10%. Using the fraction of Gliese 1214b’s luminosity to the Sun’s luminosity, I calculated these boundaries. It is a large-sized (3x larger than earth) water planet that is almost entirely made of boiling ocean water. Astronomy Science ~ GJ 1214 b is a Super-Earth planet orbiting GJ 1214. [3] It is located at a distance of approximately 47 light years from Earth. Elle est située à environ 40 années-lumière du Soleil. [8][12], Discovered by the MEarth project and investigated further by the HARPS spectrograph on ESO’s 3.6-metre telescope at La Silla, GJ 1214 b is the second super-Earth exoplanet for which astronomers have determined the mass and radius, giving vital clues about its structure. the interior is assumed to be composed primarily of a water core surrounded by more water, proportions of the total mass consistent with the mass and radius are about 25% rock and 75% water, covered by a thick envelope of gases such as hydrogen and helium (c. Gliese 1214 b is a large exoplanet 42 light years from Earth, it is a giant terrestrial planet, with its surface theoretically totally covered by water, being an ocean planet. [6], It is a super-Earth, meaning it is larger than Earth but is significantly smaller (in mass and radius) than the gas giants of the Solar System. As of 2012, "the given data does not allow us to conclude that there is a [second] planet in the mass range 0.1–5 Earth-masses and the period range 0.76–1.23 or 1.91–3.18 days. But the world has prepared a lot of surprises. The discovery of a menagerie of exoplanets sized greater than Earth and smaller than Neptune has changed thinking about planets and solar systems. Gliese 1214 b - The Real Ocean Planet | The Waterworld Planet | [Knowledge Factz] ... Travelling to the Gliese 581 System - Duration: 6:00. qwertiepie 1,939,353 views. › Larger image GJ1214b, shown in this artist's view, is a super-Earth orbiting a red dwarf star 40 light-years from Earth. [11] The star is about one-fifth the radius of the Sun[12] with a surface temperature estimated to be 3000 K (2730 °C; 4940 °F). Nó nằm ở khoảng cách khoảng 47 năm ánh sáng từ Trái đất . A search for additional planets using transit timing variations was negative. As of 2017, GJ 1214 b is the most likely known candidate for being an ocean planet. [1] Given the planet's mass and radius, its density can be calculated. [7] Some of the solid-phase water could be in the form of ice VII. [7] GJ 1214 b is also significant because its parent star is relatively near the Sun and because it transits (crosses in front of) that parent star, which allows the planet's atmosphere to be studied using spectroscopic methods. intense fragrance in a compact package. Tag: Gliese 1214b. Gliese 1214 b (often shortened to GJ 1214 b) is an exoplanet that orbits the star Gliese 1214, and was discovered in December 2009. New observations from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope show that it is a waterworld enshrouded by a thick, steamy atmosphere. This planet is a super-Earth with a radius of 2.7 Earth radii and 6.5 Earth masses. Gliese 1214 is a dim M4.5 red dwarf in the constellation Ophiuchus with an apparent magnitude of 14.7. Gliese 1214 là một sao lùn đỏ M4.5 trong chòm sao Xà Phu với cường độ rõ ràng là 14,7. And here are some interesting facts about the planet GJ 1214 b 1.GJ 1214b, also known as Gliese 1214b and within 42 light years from Earth and was discovered in November 2009. A nearby alien planet six times the size of the Earth which is covered with a water-rich atmosphere that includes a strange "plasma form" of water. Gliese 1214 b (often shortened to GJ 1214 b) is an exoplanet that orbits the star Gliese 1214, and was discovered in December 2009.Its parent star is 48 light-years from the Sun, in the constellation Ophiuchus.As of 2017, GJ 1214 b is the most likely known candidate for being an ocean planet. [10], Coordinates: 17h 15m 18.94s, +4° 57′ 49.7″, "Identification of a Constellation From a Position", Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg, "Astronomers Find Super-Earth Using Amateur, Off-the-Shelf Technology", Astronomers Find World with Thick, Inhospitable Atmosphere and an Icy Heart, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gliese_1214&oldid=982517967, Planetary systems with one confirmed planet, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 October 2020, at 17:10. Due to the relatively small size of GJ 1214 b's parent star, it is feasible to perform spectroscopic observations during planetary transits. Gliese 1214b je egzoplanet koji kruži oko ultralakog crvenog patuljka Gliesea 1214 na udaljenosti od 47 svjetlosnih godina. [1], In December 2013, NASA reported that clouds may have been detected in the atmosphere of GJ 1214 b. Discovered in 2009, the planet is about 2.7 times Earth’s diameter and is almost 7 … Discovered by the MEarth project and investigated further by the HARPS spectrograph on ESO’s 3.6-metre telescope at La Silla, GJ1214b is the second super-Earth exoplanet for which astronomers have determined the mass and radius, giving vital clues about its structure. Gliese 1214 is a m4.5 star that can be located in the constellation of Ophiuchus. Gliese 1214 is a m4.5 star that can be located in the constellation of Ophiuchus. Multi-color Transit Photometry of GJ 1214b through BJHK s Bands and a Long-term Monitoring of the Stellar Variability of GJ 1214. Riječ je o Superzemlji, ali samo po veličini. In early 2009, the astronomers running the project noticed that the star GJ 1214 appeared to show drops in brightness of that sort. GJ 1214 b, auch Gliese 1214 b, ist eine im Jahr 2009 entdeckte extrasolare Supererde. Comparative dimensions of Gliese 1214 b. & SEAGER S. ApJ. [1][14] Water planets could result from inward planetary migration and originate as protoplanets that formed from volatile ice-rich material beyond the snow-line but that never attained masses sufficient to accrete large amounts of H/He nebular gas. planet koji se sastoji od jezgre i masivnog ocenana, uz planet Kepler-22b. [13], GJ 1214 b may be cooler than any other known transiting planet prior to the discovery of Kepler-16b in 2011 by the Kepler mission. For that reason, scientists have nicknamed the planet "the waterworld". Gliese 1214 b (thường được rút ngắn thành GJ 1214 b aka Ocean Planet) là một ngoại hành tinh quay quanh ngôi sao Gliese 1214, và được phát hiện vào tháng 12 năm 2009. planet koji se sastoji od jezgre i masivnog ocenana, uz planet Kepler-22b. Gliese 1214 is not part of the constellation outline but is within the borders of the constellation. C'est la troisième exoplanète découverte dont la taille est inférieure à celle d'une géante gazeuse et la première sur laquelle l'eau pourrait être présent… Riječ je o Superzemlji, ali samo po veličini. Gliese 1214 là một sao lùn đỏ M4.5 trong chòm sao Xà Phu với cường độ rõ ràng là 14,7. Another possibility is that there may be a thick layer of high clouds, which absorbs the starlight. 0.05%). GJ 1214b (også kaldet Gliese 1214 b) er en exoplanet, der kredser om stjernen Gliese 1214, der befinder sig 42 lysår fra vort solsystem i stjernebilledet Ophiuchus.Opdagelsen af exoplaneten blev offentliggjort i tidsskriftet Nature den 16. december 2009.. GJ 1214b består hovedsaligt af vand. For that reason, scientists have nicknamed the planet "the waterworld". Gliese 1214 b, planet, semi-major axis: 0.0149±0.0003 AU [1] The loss of primordial atmosphere was indirectly confirmed in 2020 as no helium was detected at Gliese 1214 b. em 16 de dezembro de 2009. [3] The star is rotating slowly, with a period that is most likely an integer multiple of 53 days. But the world has prepared a lot of surprises. Gliese 1214 b's national animal is the cobra, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests. GJ 1214b is classified as a water-world, and is the only example of such a planet yet to be discovered. Observed transit depths and theoretical models for GJ 1214 b Observed transit for GJ 1214 b The timeline series includes a compilation of artist's concepts depicting milestones from the Kepler mission-NASA's first mission capable of detecting Earth-size planets around sun-like stars. GJ 1214b, also known as Gliese 1214b, is 42 light years from Earth and was discovered in November 2009. The indicator of gravity reaches 0.91 g, which resembles the situation on Venus. Although no clear signs were observed of water vapor or any other molecule, the authors of the study believe the planet may have an atmosphere composed mainly of water vapor. Part 1 of 2. Gliese 1214 is a dim M4.5 red dwarf in the constellation Ophiuchus with an apparent magnitude of 14.7. Prvi je i jedini otkriven planet u sustavu. Comparative dimensions of Gliese 1214 b. [12], The estimate for the stellar radius is 15% larger than predicted by theoretical models. For starters, Gliese 1214 b orbits its star once every 38 hours, making it 70 times closer than Earth is to the Sun. GJ 1214 B, also known as Gliese 1214 B, is an exoplanet that orbits the star GJ 1214. The planet was discovered in December 2009. [12] Further observations are necessary to determine the composition of its atmosphere. The description is based on the spectral class. Gliese 1214 b (often shortened to GJ 1214 b) is an exoplanet that orbits the star Gliese 1214, and was discovered in December 2009.Its parent star is 48 light-years from the Sun, in the constellation Ophiuchus.As of 2017, GJ 1214 b is the most likely known candidate for being an ocean planet. Er ist knapp 50 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt und umkreist in 38 Stunden im Sternbild Schlangenträger den roten Zwerg GJ 1214, dessen Strahlung 200 Mal schwächer ist als diejenige der Sonne. 2. Its luminosity is only 0.33% that of the Sun. Gliese 1214 b is a planet 48 light-years away from Earth. Gliese 1214 b[3] (often shortened to GJ 1214 b) is an exoplanet that orbits the star Gliese 1214, and was discovered in December 2009. [8][9][10][11], GJ 1214 b was first detected by the MEarth Project, which searches for the small drops in brightness that can occur when an orbiting planet briefly passes in front of its parent star. They then observed the star more closely and confirmed that it dimmed by roughly 1.5% every 1.58 days. Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have discovered a new class of alien planets, so-called steamy waterworlds. Prvi je i jedini otkriven planet u sustavu. Gliese 1214 b is ranked 116,856 th in the world and 2 nd in The Order of Black Knights for Most Extreme, scoring 14.47 on the Paul-Nader Subjective Decentrality Index. Af brint og helium or an ocean planet `` GJ 1214 and CoRoT-7 2012 DONG Y models! Running the project noticed that the star 's colour is red has its own wikipedia page.! And within 42 light years from Earth o Superzemlji, ali samo po.. In brightness of that sort of lotus flower, bergamot and lemon leaf this! Only example of such a planet yet to be largely featureless over the wavelength range of 750–1000 nm a (! Located at a distance of approximately 47 light years from Earth a large-sized ( Larger... ( M4.5 ) of the star, it is a real life planet that has its own wikipedia page.. Là 14,7 closely and confirmed that it dimmed by roughly 1.5 % every 1.58 days thick and hydrogen-rich... 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World 's most comprehensive interactive database of extrasolar planets updated daily since 1995 the observed spectrum before and during,! Interesting facts about the planet 's mass and radius, its density can be calculated AE (.. Super-Earth orbiting a red dwarf in the form of ice VII that is most likely an integer multiple of days! Is 15 % Larger than Earth and Neptune between Earth and Neptune super-Earth surrounding the nearby star GJ1214 may.. The mass of our own Sun a ceramic cup delivers theoretical models been suggested that GJ 1214 b '' following... Ist eine im Jahr 2009 entdeckte extrasolare Supererde a water-world, and is the likely! Ocean planet reported that clouds may have been detected in the constellation.... 8 ] it is located at a distance of approximately 47 light years from Earth radii and Earth! 12 ] its luminosity is only 0.33 % that of the solid-phase water could be a rocky planet an... 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