From the river's source in Germany down to the Black Sea it is about 1,800 miles. You continue cycling along the banks of the river, taking in the view across the water to France, which is across the river.Soon you leave the last foothills of the city and dive into the beautiful nature along the Rhine. On the other side is Konstanz, to whom you can pay a short visit before the stage really starts. Several old castles are also on the way, which you can visit.After crossing the Lower Rhine, you cycle along the island of van Maurik. The fourth stage of the Rhine Cycle Route is almost completely flat, even a little steep. Flying from US and want to ship bikes to a bike shop in andermatt. I cycled on a road bike and Phil cycled on a hybrid bike. We did the Eurovelo 15 in 17 days, though it’s definitely possible in 2 weeks. Over 766 miles (1,233 kilometers), rideable in a mere 24 stages, it takes you through four countries from the Swiss Alps to the beaches of the Baltic Sea. The Rhine Cycle Route, passing through six countries, is a delightful journey and one that continues to inspire Mike Wells, author of the Cicerone Press guidebook. At the end of the day you can make a little trip from here to the other side of the Rhine, where Mannheim is located. This was the itinerary I had initially come up with. In mid-morning the route carries us away from the river up the side of the valley through lush vineyards, before returning to the Rhine which has, by now, become a sizeable waterway. To the left of you are usually wide fields and now and then a small, charming place. Even some beach bars with South Seas flair invite you to a relaxing break on the shores of the lakes. I have the rest days we took built into the itinerary, but the days are long, so if you’re keen to see something, take a rest day/half day. Thanks! I didn’t have to pedal nearly as much as Phil, and I was faster going uphill. On the right side you will be accompanied by the Rhine. Through suburbs and beautifully landscaped parks, you cycle directly on the banks of the Rhine to Bonn, today's stage destination. From Alpine panoramas to sprawling sea views, you will experience an incredible diversity of nature and culture on your journey from Switzerland to Austria, Germany and the Netherlands. Hello, I enjoy reading all of your article post. Right on the shore you dive into beautiful nature from meadows, groves and wide fields. Strengthened it goes through wide Rhine meadows to the German-Dutch border. About three kilometers from here, the Rhine springs. Through the green valley of the Vorderrhein you cycle comfortably to the stage destination Disentis.Tip: If the ride over the pass is too exhausting for you, you can also take the train to the summit of Oberalppass station and start the bike ride here. Due to the good infrastructure along the path, a multi-day ride on the Rhine is easy to organize. Like Like. Behind the mouth you will find idyllic riparian forests that line the Rhine Cycle Path. Right on the shore you dive into beautiful nature from meadows, groves and wide fields. Do you share the road with cars, or are there bikelanes all the way? When you were camping along the Rhine I was riding around Lake Ontario in Canada. Rolling hills and mainly flat terrain make it popular for families, first-timers, and skilled cyclists. This section is quite industrial, which is a huge contrast to the small fairytale towns in the stage prior. The Rhine Cycle Route will take you right along the water, so you can let your gaze wander over the river and across the river. Passing the Eicher Lake, where there is also a nice refreshment stop, you continue cycling through this picturesque landscape to the north, until today's stage destination Nierstein. Thanks. 30/04/2014 at 8:58 pm. In all stage destinations of the Rhine Cycle Route, you'll have several accommodation options to choose from. ), 70-80 km shouldn’t be difficult, as the roads are quite flat after Switzerland. From there, it takes you over the Oberalp Pass, where the Rhine rises, through the Alpine Rhine Valley to Lake Constance. It seems a shame to rush along and not be able to do some sightseeing. for most of the route between Karlsruhe and Basel, the cycle path is either on the dam or next to it and you are sandwiched between the Rhine and the Rhineauen, The Auen are swampy forests filled with ponds and streams but they also prevent any towns being close to the river. Slowly your way snakes back to the Rhine. From Geldermalsen you drive along the loops of the Linge. In Constance, the Rhine also flows from the Obersee, which is the main lake of Lake Constance, and after a few hundred meters, flows into the Untersee, on whose shores you drive from Kreuzlingen. Behind the gates of the city you dive into a flat field and meadow landscape, which extends on the bank of the Rhine. Barbara Hampton says: January 21, 2018 at 7:02 pm. We cycle tour regularly and would have found it hard to fit into 2 weeks. You can take a train to surpass that part. Several old castles are also on the way, which you can visit. At the community of Kaiseraugust, you will take off from the river and cycle through the area of an ancient Roman settlement. Otherwise, the bike tour continues directly, which begins with a long descent. On the right hand you can let your eyes wander over the water and admire the wooded hills on your left hand. My question would be reggard to getting to andermatt. In 7 days to the Elbe – the Leine-Heide cycle route, Morocco — cycling through the Atlas Mountains, Trans-Slovenia Alp crossing – on lonely trails towards the Adriatic Sea. The longest I’ve been on a bike is 3 hours, so how the heck did I complete a cycling tour? Along the banks of the Rhine, cozy beer gardens invite you to linger. If you’re going to train, I’d recommend doing both resistance training and endurance training. Just behind Duisburg you drive to the banks of the Rhine. The route also takes you through pretty little villages and beach baths that invite you to rest.At Stein am Rhein, the river leaves the Untersee and you cross the Rhine. You will find various restaurants and cafes in Weisweil, the only place you will cycle through today on the way to the stage destination Kehl. After about 20 kilometers, you will reach the banks of the Rhine for the first time on this stage, where the cycle path leads you along the water. From the bridge you can watch as the Aare flows into the Rhine. EuroVelo 15 (EV15), named the Rhine Cycle Route, is a EuroVelo long-distance cycling route running 1230km along the Rhine river valley from the headwaters of the Rhine in Andermatt in Switzerland to the river's mouth in Hoek van Holland in the Netherlands. After a last stretch along the water you cycle through the vast Rhine meadows of Koblenz into the stage destination. An extensive break, during which you explore the old town and relax, is worth in Cologne in any case. Note: I would consider breaking this into two days. For centuries, the Rhine has fascinated poets and painters. It was beautiful, but I feel we didn’t get the full experience because we rushed through it. You can enjoy the picturesque views of the water and on the other side of the river to Germany. Required fields are marked *. Then you cycle through wide fields directly to the banks of the Rhine, which is significantly wider here by the confluence.You follow his joyful loops and can enjoy the view over the water. Going up the Oberalp is steady uphill. Im not a begginer biker but also not a professional, Just do not want to struggle too much haha. From Chur you will cycle along the Rhine on the third stage. Switzerland has quite a bit of natural terrain, which really slowed us down in the beginning, but after the first two days or so, it’s all road cycling and flat! In the village of Reichenau, the Vorderrhein and the Hinterrhein meet and continue their journey together as the Rhine. It is the largest, completely in Switzerland running river. Afterwards you cycle through hilly terrain through wide fields and romantic forests. On the banks of the Rhine you cycle through the state capital of Rhineland-Palatinate. In Switzerland we did nearly 8000′ of climbing over 4 days (and 1300′ of descent). That’s the biggest downside to a road bike. Especially worthwhile is a stop in Dusseldorf Kaiserswerth a bit further north, where you can visit the ruins of the Imperial Palace Kaiserswerth. From Kehl, the end of the day is worth a detour to Strasbourg, which lies on the other side of the Rhine. I’ve actually done part of this cycle route as someone who hadn’t ridden a bike since childhood and I loved it so much! Apart from a few dull sections the route kept being enjoyable and interesting to ride and some of the best parts was to ride through the pretty woods and forests in all four countries. You’re right that when it ends there’s a period of sadness that you’re not jumping onto a bike and heading off today. Right at the beginning you will cycle through wide fields that stretch along the Rhine. You cycle right through and can look forward to a pleasant break in the wine village Malans.After you have fortified yourself with regional dishes and wines, you continue cycling through the vineyards. Here you cross the Rhine with a ferry and continue your bike tour on the Pannerdens Canal, which then merges into the Lower Rhine. Here you cross the Nahe and see how it flows into the Rhine. Guidebook detailing a 27-stage cycle tour along the River Rhine, with clear route description and 1:100,000 mapping. If you’re cycling in a pair or more, it really isn’t that much more costly to stay in a hotel. Once at the top you can really relax, have a drink in one of the inns and maybe warm up, because there can be snow up here in the summer.About three kilometers from here, the Rhine springs. There are a few bike shops in Andermatt – I’d contact them. From the Swiss Alps to the North Sea, the Rhine has been at the heart of central Europe's cultural and economic development for over 2000 years. Here you can let the market square with the red town hall on you and enjoy the last evening in Switzerland, before you cycle the next day to Germany, where the Rhine bike path continues. My first tour was a 2000km solo trip through France. Using unpaved, wide forest roads, bike paths and country roads, the route crosses three main geological and geographic places of note. On the way you will pass several places that invite you to take a leisurely break. I want to cycle from Amsterdam to Zurich (Just because those are the flights i have booked from a previous trip for festivals which are no longer going ahead), Most of the blogs are saying to go from Switzerland to Amsterdam and i’m worried that there are reasons for this (maybe this direction is less inclined? 3 weeks is more realistic if you want some rest days and time to detour to Colmar etc. Approximate Time Cycling: 9 hrs Note: See day 7 note. In this blog post, Mike Wells explains a little about the route and the river itself. On the Austrian side you cycle along the bank of the Rhine to the Rhine delta, where it flows into Lake Constance. Especially worthwhile is a stop in Dusseldorf Kaiserswerth a bit further north, where you can visit the ruins of the Imperial Palace Kaiserswerth. The Rhine cycle path is relatively easy to cycle, with mountainous inclines only being a factor in Switzerland. After a winding descent, you will reach the river valley again and drive along the banks of the Rhine for long stretches. Shortly before you reach the border with Liechtenstein, you drive back to the Rhine, cross it and roll along a gently sloping track directly along its shore. Here you cross the river and drive directly to the stage destination Wörth am Rhein. Also nice rest areas are located on the bike path, which invite to one or the other break. I've been looking over the Eurovelo routes and I'm really intrigued by the Rhine Cycle Route as it passes through many regions I would like to visit. You follow the river, which leads you the last kilometers to the intermediate destination Chur. After enjoying the time at the lake, you will drive across the Amsterdam-Rhine-Canal and past wide meadows and fields through the flat Dutch countryside to the stage destination Geldermalsen. This will be our 4th tour. Immediately after Nierstein you drive through picturesque vineyards that stretch along the banks of the Rhine. An extensive break, during which you explore the old town and relax, is worth in Cologne in any case. With two weeks, you won’t have any rest days and you’ll be covering a lot of ground daily. In a nutshell, camping is pretty convenient on the Rhine, and there are quite a few kinds of camping you can do, from glamping pods to pitching a tent in the wild! After you have cycled through the beautiful fields Büsingens, you roll to Schaffhausen, today's stage destination. Right at the beginning of the slightly hilly eighth stage you cross the Aare shortly after Bad Zurzach. Almost the entire route to the stage destination Breisach you drive through wonderful quiet forests or wide meadows right on the river. Thank you for Jugi and Dee on encouraging me to write about the trip.Thank you for the all kind and nice people along the way and also for the grumpy ones, as it is always a good lesson trying to keep on smiling when meeting grumpy people. On your leisurely, slightly downhill drive to the north, on the left, you always have an eye on the Rhine and France on the other side of the river. On the right side you will be accompanied by the Rhine. In Wintersdorf at the height of Rastatt you leave the bank of the Rhine and cycle in a large arc through wide fields and meadows. Again and again you drive through small and larger places that are like pearls on a string on the banks of the Rhine.Through Westhoven Aue you will reach Cologne. Find your perfect cycling route, create your own bike trails, and discover the most stunning cycling destinations. Thanks so much! Through suburbs and beautifully landscaped parks, you cycle directly on the banks of the Rhine to Bonn, today's stage destination. Along the way, numerous restaurants, beer gardens and cafés will ensure your culinary well-being and round off the varied bike ride on the Rhine cycle path. I’m impressed! Afterwards you cycle the last kilometers of the stage on the flat bike path to the finish line Leverkusen. The Rhine Route crosses Eastern Switzerland in a huge arc, accompanying the mighty Alpine river from its mountain source to the major Rhine port of Basel. The Eurovelo 15 is split into 7 stages. Right at the beginning of the slightly hilly eighth stage you cross the Aare shortly after Bad Zurzach. You also pass the Rhine Falls, which are pretty spectacular. After leaving Bonn, cross the Rhine and continue your cycling tour on the right side of the Rhine. In this section, the Rhine Valley is densely populated and so you pass several places today, where you can take nice breaks.On the second half of the stage you will again enjoy more wooded slopes and wide fields between the villages on your left. Here you cycle on the Rhine dam through beautiful nature. It’s SUCH a good tour for beginner cyclists or people who don’t ride often. From Disentis the Rhine Cycle Route takes you today on a beautiful route with breathtaking views to Chur. Through valleys and flat or is it constantly going up and down we,! Was really long, so we stopped right at the rhine cycle route camping you will be accompanied by the old town relax... Fortified yourself with regional dishes and wines, you 'll pass beautiful beaches where you can a. Rent or obtain bikes for the trip Germany and it ’ s the biggest downside to a break... To rush along and not be accessible contrast to the stage on other. 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