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He encased himself in fatalism, with the result that in two years the mightiest empire reared by man broke under the twofold strain. Wars have often been the result of misunderstandings brought about by language. The fate of these inorganiccompounds has not been certainly traced, but they give rise later on to the presence in the plant of various amino acid amides, such as leucin, glycin, asparagin, &c. That these are stages on the way to proteids has been inferred from the fact that when proteids are split up by various means, and especially by the digestive secretions, these nitrogen-containing acids are among the products which result. access of water to the contents; when the cnidocil is stimulated it sets in action a mechanism or perhaps a series of chemical changes by which the plug is dissolved or removed; as a result water penetrates into the capsule and causes its contents to swell, with the result that the thread is everted violently. Maghreb sees the establishment of mathematics and literacy, as well as the development of algebra. The Dahomey Kingdom is established in what is presently-known as Benin, with Agbome as its capital. Democratically run, men and occasionally women in the Kingdom’s villages took part in decision-making processes. He could feel the tremor of movement in his hand, the result of some motion far below. The old district of Assiniboia, the result of the efforts in colonization by the earl of Selkirk in 1811 and succeeding years, was the nucleus of the province. But the net result of the development of the doctrine of rent is that all problems in which this factor appears, and they embrace the whole range of economic theory, must apparently be treated on their merits. Her temper was shorter, the result of not sleeping and the pain of her arm. Ancient Somalis domesticate camels. Who knows what sort of life would result if we had attained to purity? As a result only eight companies out of over seventy that had applied obtained or accepted licences. Its territory is renamed the Roman Province of Africa. European colonial powers are weak from the war, and American fear of Soviet influence in Africa creates a global political climate in favour of decolonisation. Its territory is renamed the Roman Province of Africa. This would be the first native Egyptian regime since the Fatimids were defeated in 1171 CE. By this time, the earliest forms of literacy in the world, hieroglyphic writings of ancient Egypt are invented. But whatever it has done it has done silently; there has not been at any time any violent change of one set of institutions for another. Really, he urged, there could be only one substance - Descartes himself had dropped a passing hint to that effect - and the bold deductive reasoning of Spinoza's Ethics, in process if not in result, betrays its kinship to the ontological argument, with its affirmation of what must be. This was a result of the belief, that whoever knew the names of these rulers would after death pass through all the heavens to the supreme God. This was the signal for public disputations in which Farel took the leading part on the Reformation side, with the result that by decree of the 27th of August 1535 the mass was suppressed and the reformed religion established. Apart from that, the chief source of our error in this matter is due to the fact that in the historical accounts a whole series of innumerable, diverse, and petty events, such for instance as all those which led the French armies to Russia, is generalized into one event in accord with the result produced by that series of events. Unfortunate, but I like the result. This modification is important, because it transfers the formative influence from the plastic substances to the protoplasm, suggesting that, the diverse constituents are produced (whether spontaneously or as the result of stimulation) as secretions by the protoplasm. Cables have frequently been picked up showing after many years of submergence no appreciable deterioration in this respect, while in other cases ends have been picked up which in the course of twelve years had been corroded to needle points, the result probably of metalliferous deposits in the locality. A canker is the result of repeated frustrated attempts on, the part of the callus to heal up a wound. A deed done is irrevocable, and its result coinciding in time with the actions of millions of other men assumes an historic significance. After being deported from Judea for rebelling against Roman rule, Jewish people arrive in Roman North Africa. The groups claimed descent from Muhammad’s daughter Fatima, and had conquered Maghreb by 950 CE and Egypt by 969 CE. 5 atmospheres was employed the result was 796.9 foot-pounds. The Maravi Empire ceased to exist after Mzura’s death. A treaty was eventually signed making Madagascar a full Protectorate of the French Government. The empire also controlled access to all the salt and gold that went through its territory. Berber soldiers revolt after tax revenue from farms is diminished. Not interpreting this as applying to works printed outside Ulm, he published in 1538 at Augsburg his Guldin Arch (with pagan parallels to Christian sentiments) and at Frankfort his Germaniae clzronicon, with the result that he had to leave Ulm in January 1539. It was built at Saqqara, for the Third Dynasty’s King Djoser. forming a felt-work; the result is a massive colony, such as is seen in the so-called Hydrocorallines (fig. As a result of this backward projection of later conceptions, the recovery of the true historical nucleus is difficult. The following equations give the result of direct experiment :- C +20 = CO 2+943 oo cal. result of a conference, a synod was convened to meet Synod. The state of Aksum in Eritrea and Ethiopia begins minting its own silver and gold coins as their own Aksumite currency. Morocco is split into two sultanates, Fes and Marrakesh, following the death of Ahmad al-Mansur. cit. After a long period of internal and external struggle and several disputed successions, the Kanem Empire ceases to exist. As in other cases where animal colonies are formed by organic union of separate individuals, there is ever a tendency for the polyp-colony as a whole to act as a single individual, and for the members to become subordinated to the needs of the colony and to undergo specialization for particular functions, with the result that they simulate organs and their individuality becomes masked to a greater or less degree. recast in accordance with the requirements of the time, with the result that, by the side of usages evidently of very great antiquity, details now appear which were previously unknown or wholly unsuitable. To buy in the cheapest market and sell in the dearest; to secure cheapness by lowering the expenses of production; to adopt the less expensive rather than the more expensive method of obtaining a given result - these and other maxims are as old as human society. This result, accruing from British intervention, was in some respects similar to that exerted by Napoleon on the Italians of the mainland. They were more alike than Deidre realized; they both sought out Darkyn for quiet deals they hoped would result in ending up with Gabriel. Musa’s generosity inadvertently damaged the economies of the regions he passed through and in large cities like Mecca, Cairo and Medina, gold was devalued for over ten years since his pilgrimage. The Kingdom had one million people paying tribute to the King at its peak. Egypt had come to be known as a protector of Islam and of Mecca and Medina. This trade served to have such effects as influences over the Chinese language by introducing Somali terms to the region’s languages. Soon after he was engaged on an important embassy to Germany, the result of which was the treaty of Ulm, signed July 1620. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Mamluk slaves in Egypt have landed aristocracy with significant power. The result was that for the first two years of state administration the service was distinctly bad, and the lack of goods trucks at the ports was especially felt. New conquests such as Gao were made under his rule. The balopwe, or system of spiritual kings (mulopwe) maintained power through spiritual strength rather than military authority. During this dynasty, Greek culture was spread throughout Egypt. Furniture-making in different styles is carried on all over Italy, especially as a result of the establishment of industrial schools. Egypt is consolidated into one political entity under the pharaoh, Narmer, who is the principal administrator of the kingdom. As a result of these difficulties there has been, both in the United Kingdom and in the United States, a progressive increase of legislative interference with railways. The region exported ivory, gold and agricultural products. The Nubian Empire begins. A much more valuable practical result of Brewster's optical researches was the improvement of the British lighthouse system. The Kushites were later expelled from Nubia by Assyrian forces. C. Ross in the " Erebus " and " Terror " (1839-1843), and the bathymetrical maps published were largely the result of deductions based on one sounding taken -by Ross in 68° 34' S. Tone, who accompanied it as "Adjutant-general Smith," had the greatest contempt for the seamanship of the French sailors, which was amply justified by the disastrous result of the invasion. The animals started to be used for meat, milk and transportation for the people. 5. Sotho-Tswana states are formed on the Highveld, south of the Limpopo River. They removed Portugal from the western coast of Morocco and prevented the Ottoman Empire from reaching the Atlantic. Various local hypertrophies, including galls, result from the increased growth of young tissues irritated by the punctures of insects, or by the presence of eggs or larvae left behind. Approximately 250 000 Arab Egyptian nomads settle in Maghreb, spreading the Arab languages and contributing to the decline of the Berber language. This marked the start of the rivalry between the British and the French for control over Egypt. Alodia, of which Soba was the capital, later fell under the Funj Sultanate. Great Zimbabwe seizes control of the Indian Ocean trade and the wealth it produced from its gold supply. The Adal general and imam, Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi (also known as the "the Left-handed"), was defeated and helped to re-establish Ethiopian rule under the emperor’s son, Gelawdewos. Ethiopia is however liberated by British forces in 1941 as part of the Second World War. 0. How little this criticism was justified may be seen from the fact that Mill's inductive logic was the direct result of his aspirations after political stability as determined by the dominion of the wisest (Examiner letters). The result, was in Helmholtz's words, to establish beyond doubt that ordinary light consists of electrical vibrations in an all-pervading ether which possesses the properties of an insulator and of a magnetic medium. This, the natural result of matrimonial and political alliance, already met with under Solomon, receives the usual denunciation. Thus the Mintra of the Malay Peninsula have a demon corresponding to every kind of disease known to them; the Tasmanian ascribed a gnawing pain to the presence within him of the soul of a dead man, whom he had unwittingly summoned by mentioning his name and who was `devouring his liver; the Samoan held that the violation of a food tabu would result in the animal being formed within the body of the offender and cause his death. As a result it has been far easier for the American than for the European railway builder to take advantage of the speculative instinct in obtaining money. The result was a whole series of wars with the Teutonic Order, which now acknowledged Swidrygiello, another brother of Jagiello, as grand-duke of Lithuania; and though Swidrygiello was defeated and driven out by Witowt, the Order retained possession of Samogitia, and their barbarous methods of "converting" the wretched inhabitants finally induced Witowt to rescue his fellow-countrymen at any cost from the tender mercies of the knights. The capital, M'banza Kongo, was at its height inhabited by about 100,000 people. The utter exhaustion of his people in the course of a hopeless struggle with Holland, France and England was seen by him with sympathy, but he considered it an unavoidable misfortune and not the result of his own errors, since he could not be expected to renounce his rights or to desert the cause of God and the Church. The dominant forms result from crustal movements, the subsidiary from secondary reactions o during the action of the primitive forms on mobile distri butions. She enjoys punching holes in paper with the stiletto, and I supposed it was because she could examine the result of her work; but we watched her one day, and I was much surprised to find that she imagined she was writing a letter. the result is to create a wrong impression of Elisha's career "). Early ironworks are used in what is currently known as Kwa-Zulu Natal. The writings are the result of a continued literary process, and the Israelite national history has come down to us through Judaean hands, with the result that much of it has been coloured by late Judaean feeling. Tricked into a liaison with the Fisher King's daughter Elaine, he becomes the father of Galahad, the Grail winner, and, as a result of the queen's jealous anger at his relations with the lady, goes mad, and remains an exile from the court for some years. Mansa Musa ruler of the empire of Mali cements the University of Sankore as an institution of learning. The result was a great disaster, and Alexander had recourse to the old quibble of the Delphic oracle to Croesus for an explanation. This step was followed by the temporal independence of Scotland, which was one result of the continual poverty of Richard I. As the result of this analysis, combined with an investigation into the surroundings man lives in, a "content" - a moral code - becomes gradually evolved. The group is made up of two culturally different people’s, the Khoi and the San. Much of the former French colonial Empire was falling apart, and several British colonies also gained their independence this year. This Islamic dynasty ran for 771 years eventually losing the throne in 1886. The result is that, while in 1871 there was an excess of 143,370 males over females in the total population, in 188f the excess was only 71,138, and in I90f there were 169,684 more females than males. We write high quality term papers, sample essays, research papers, dissertations, thesis papers, assignments, book reviews, speeches, book reports, custom web content and business papers. The result was a compromise which was inevitable: a small detachment was sent to Forminsk to attack Broussier. In 1884, the Berlin Conference is held to divide Africa between the various colonial empires. 0. The Luba political system, which spread to other parts of Central Africa, western Congo, southern Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mali, Burundi and Rwanda, utilised a system of spiritual kings with direct spiritual access to ancestral spirits. This begins the scramble for Africa, a decade of rapid conquest by various European powers of the African continent. In the future, we'll not only know if that is so, but why: Perhaps mental agility is a result of their extensive exposure to a chemical in pencil lead and newsprint that they got by doing all those puzzles. It is estimated that between 3 and 6 million people perished in that war. The schools were reorganized in 1917 as a result of a " survey.". The Meroitic alphabet replaces Egyptian script in the influential region of Meroe. Large towns of thousands of people made up early Tswana states north-west of the Vaal River, with settlers leaving to start their own states over time. cit. During his ten-year reign, he attempted to decimate all opposition and reorganised the region in efforts to establish the Ndebele order, resulting in a depopulation of the area. Murray, as the result of his study, g divided the earth's surface into three zones - the continental to Al d ay. Egypt, under the Mamluk Dynasty halts the Mongol invasion at the Battle of Ain Jalut. the significant Jewish presence was evident and many Berber tribes converted to the religion. Since 1901 there have been, more than once, general strikes at Milan and elsewhere, and one in the autumn of 1905 caused great inconvenience throughout the country, and led to no effective result. Christianity in Nubia declines after the church and nobility diminish the monarchy’s authority. An experiment made on the railway staff at Bovino, a highly malarious district on the Adriatic, gave a striking result. States such as modern-day Lesotho were formed during this time. One result of this is that mobilization and concentration are much slower processes than they are in Germany. Two power bases, Heracleopolis (Lower Egypt) and Thebes (Upper Egypt) fought for control of the region. The result was that in the following year the wheat crop of the United Kingdom was harvested upon the smallest area on record - less than 12 million acres. Only then, as a result of the contradiction, will they see that they are both wrong. History and Bibliography.The study of plant anatomy was begun in the middle of the seventeenth century as a direct result of the construction of microscopes, with which a clear view of the structure of plant tissues could be obtained. Saladin becomes ruler of Egypt and the Ayyubid Dynasty begins. He was again returned to the Senate in 1813, and was re-elected in 1819 as the result of a struggle between the Van Buren and Clinton factions of the Democratic - Republican party. A result followed somewhat similar to the effect, on the German language, of the Lutheran reformation. g ut his opportunism was again justified by the result. Apart from European conquests, the internal history of Asia in the last 2000 years is the result of the interaction of four main influences: (a) Chinese, (b) Indian, (c) Mahommedan, (d) Central Asian. The result of cleavage in all cases is a typical blastula, which when set free becomes oval and develops a flagellum to each cell, but when not set free, it remains spherical in form and has no flagella. Indian and Arab trade settlement begins in northern Madagascar to take advantage of the Indian Ocean trade. Sakura becomes the sixth Mansa of Mali. And in the same way the universal historians sometimes, when it pleases them and fits in with their theory, say that power is the result of events, and sometimes, when they want to prove something else, say that power produces events. Supplanting their rivals, Bunyoro, as the most important state in the region, the kingdom later became a province of the British Uganda Protectorate in the early 20th century. It would also be the beginnings of a turbulent and often shifting relationship between the two states, which culminated in the Kingdom of Kongo becoming a vassal state of Portugal about 380 years later. Among the great variety of problems solved are problems leading to determinate equations of the first degree in one, two, three or four variables, to determinate quadratic equations, and to indeterminate equations of the first degree in one or more variables, which are, however, transformed into determinate equations by arbitrarily assuming a value for one of the required numbers, Diophantus being always satisfied with a rational, even if fractional, result and not requiring a solution in integers. The Great Mosque is considered one of the most important centres of learning in medieval Africa. It fell, and I had nothing to do with it, but I'll be Machiavellian about it and simply appreciate the end result, Eden said and then paused. This result created a great sensation, and proved that Transatlantic electric wave telegraphy was quite feasible and not inhibited by distance, or by the earth's curvature even over an arc of a great circle 3000 m. An important International Conference on radiotelegraphy was held in Berlin in 1906, and as a result of its deliberations international regulations have been adopted by the chief Powers of the world. But the result did not lead to the abolition of all distinctions between the orders. 0. Dalwigk was one of Prussia's enemies, and during the war of 1866 the grand-duke fought on the Austrian side, the result being that he was compelled to pay a heavy indemnity and to cede certain districts, including Hesse-Homburg, which he had only just acquired, to Prussia. The final result of this latest determination is to place the Madras observatory 2' 27" to the west of the position adopted for it on the strength of absolute astronomical determinations. the objects of AU are to continue to advance the development of the continent and to achieve unity and solidarity amongst African states. The folly of the monarchs of the Holy Alliance in Europe gained for the writings of Montholon and Las Cases (that of Gourgaud was not published till 1899) a ready reception, with the result that Napoleon reappeared in the literature of the ensuing decades wielding an influence scarcely less potent than that of the grey-coated figure into whose arms France flung herself on his return from Elba. List of Amc - Free ebook download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Intimacy was neither the sole purpose nor the end result of their relationship. The Kingdom of Nri rises under the leadership of the Eze Nri. Whatever deal the Dark One made, the result was clear. It was made by building several layers of stone on top of each other. In 1549 they spread into Great Poland; in the latter half of the century they opened many voluntary schools, and were joined by many of the nobility; and the result was that by 1609, when Rudolph II. In this way we may distinguish, first, vegetative reproduction, the result of discontinuous growth of the tissues and cell-layers of the body as a whole, leading to (I) fission, (2) autotomy, or (3) vegetative budding; secondly, germinal reproduction, the result of the reproductive activity of the archaeocytes or germinal tissue. Online-Einkauf mit großartigem Angebot im Software Shop. As the result the bulk of his composition is wholly or comparatively rough-hewn. The result tended to show it was relatively close by. In 1796-1797 Captain Wilson, in the missionary ship " Duff," discovered the Gambier and other islands, and rediscovered the islands known to and seen by Quiros, but since called the Duff Group. Italy invades Ethiopia, attempting to create a colonial state. This may be due to frost, especially in thin-barked trees, and often occurs in beeches, pears, &c.; or it may result from bruising by wind, hailstones, gun-shot wounds in coverts, &c., the latter of course very local. That coat-armour has been lavishly granted and often assumed without right, that the word "gentleman" has acquired various secondary senses, proves nothing; that is the natural result of a state of things in which the status of gentry carries with it no legal advantage, and yet is eagerly sought after on social grounds. The National Party in South Africa rises to power, paving the way for the Apartheid regime and its legislations to be implemented in South Africa. This order came into force on the 30th of April, and the result was a marked decline in the shipments of live cattle and sheep from the River Plate, but a decided increase in the quantity of frozen meat sent thence to the United Kingdom. At its apex, it housed one of the largest libraries in the world, with between 400,000 and 700,000 manuscripts. They are effected chiefly by some alteration in the description of the root-crop, and perhaps by the introduction of the potato crop; by growing a different cereal, or it may be more than one cereal consecutively; by the growth of some other leguminous crop than clover, since " clover-sickness " may result if that crop is grown at too short intervals, or the intermixture of grass seeds with the clover, and perhaps by the extension by one or more years of the period allotted to this member of the rotation. The Kingdom of Buganda (Uganda) becomes a thriving nation-state with impressive naval fleets and significant wealth. It was an inevitable result of such an education that Mill acquired many of his father's speculative opinions, and his father's way of defending them. Ethiopia is the only part of Africa which remains independent. Apart from its intrinsic merits as a learned and valuable addition to classification, this work is interesting in the history of ornithology because of the wholesale changes of nomenclature it introduced as the result of much diligence and zeal in the application of the strict rule of priority to the names of birds. The conflict began as an internal conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but came to involve a host of various countries and militias. Compared with heating by hot water, steam-heating requires less piping, which, further, may be of much smaller diameter to attain a similar result, because of the higher temperature of the heat yielding surface. The result of his arrival was that John, bishop of Jerusalem, was. A common result of metamorphosis is that the larva and imago differ markedly in their habitat and mode of feeding. In 1188 William secured a papal bull which declared that the Church of Scotland was directly subject only to the see of Rome, thus rejecting the claims to supremacy put forward by the English archbishop. To the Netherlands, as to the rest of western Europe, the result of the crusades was in the main advantageous. Uganda also gained its independence from Britain. Shaka, of the Zulu people, establishes a centralised Zulu kingdom. This is regarded as the First Dynasty. Fatimid Rulers seize Egypt and the Egyptian city Al-Qahirah (present day Cairo), is founded. The Shilluk Kingdom is established by Nyikang, the Kingdom’s first ruler. Herding is established in southern Kenya and Tanzania. After heavy casualties, the war ended in Britain’s favour, and led to the establishment of the colonial entity the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan Administration. It was found, however, that the steam work was done with less care than had been bestowed upon the horse tillage, and the result was that steam came to be regarded as an auxiliary to horse labour rather than as a substitute for it. The Mfecane (also known as Difaqane or Lifaquane) period begins during which much warfare occurs between the peoplesof southern Africa. The area of Great Zimbabwe is settled. The seed is enclosed when ripe in the fruit, a development of the ovary as a result of fertilization of the egg-cell. It was difficult to start a subject that might result in a fight, but she had to know for sure — slay the dragon, so to speak. I booked two more rooms for Bird Song as a result of it! The Persians invade Egypt under Cambyses II. The Ashante conquer Denkyira, which offers them access to European coastal trade. General Buxhowden was all but attacked and captured by a superior enemy force as a result of one of these maneuvers that enabled us to escape him. 1. Islam slowly became introduced to the region by Sufist Fakirs. The expansion of the Bantu people begins. Vandals invade North Africa, relieving Rome of her territories in the region. After a lengthy fight against the apartheid government in South Africa, Namibia is the last of the African states colonised by European powers to gain independence. The supposed hydrothecae may be present on one side of the axis only (monoprionid) or on both sides (diprionid); the first case may be conjectured to be the result of uniserial (helicoid) budding, the second to be produced by biserial (scorpioid) budding. Drought and consequent defoliation result in the same, and these considerations help us to understand how old-established trees in parks, &c., apparently in good general health, become stag-headed by the necrosis of their upper twigs and smaller branches: the roots have here penetrated into subsoil or other unsuitable medium, or some drainage scheme has deprived them of water, &c., and a dry summer just turns the scale. Gradually, however, the technical difficulties were overcome and success assured, largely as a result of improved methods worked out by Mond for the recovery of the ammonia. The result of the war was to make Russia supreme at Constantinople; and before long an opportunity of further increasing her influence was created by Mehemet Ali, the ambitious pasha of Egypt, who in November 1831 began a war with his sovereign in Syria, gained a series of victories over the Turkish forces in Asia Minor and threatened Constantinople. The chief command of the newly organized army was also given to him, but previously, at the head of a body of militia, he had demanded satisfaction for powder removed from the public store by order of Lord Dunmore, the royal governor, with the result that £330 was paid in compensation. That strike had been liberally helped by the Australian unions, and it was confidently predicted that, as the Australian workers were more effectively organized than the English unions, a corresponding success would result from their course of action. And this result he achieved with men of less than two years' service, men, too, more heavily equipped and worse mounted than the veterans of the Grande Armee. This result has been confirmed by its synthesis by A. The news of the strengthening of the British army and navy lately announced in the king's speech had perhaps annoyed him; but seeing that his outbursts of passion were nearly always the result of calculation - he once stated, pointing to his chin, that temper only mounted that high with him - his design, doubtless, was to set men everywhere talking about the perfidy of Albion. When its capital, establishes a centralised Zulu Kingdom a `` survey. `` is.... Flows and in turn cause mass disruption within much of Southern Africa Tanzania and Kenya thereafter! Lacks the spontaneity of medieval literature for Islamic learning the earliest balloon observations made gradient. And how was rome affected by the punic wars apex entity in the meantime Jewish life had been elsewhere subjected to other parts of Africa, Narmer who... To experience the largest libraries in the central highlands of the Indian Ocean trade and the pain her! 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